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May 31, 1942

May 31, 1942Sunday night Ft. Ord, California Dear Folksies,          Yesterday I was Officer of the Day and spent most of my time catching up on my correspondence, as there were only a few duties attached to the O.D.  However, since I had to stay over in the office and even sleep over in Headquarters, […]

May 29, 1942

May 29, 1942Friday noon Ft. Ord, California Dear Folksies,         We have taken three pretty good hikes this week. Two were down along the beach and we found that we would not like to be sent to Libya, particularly if we are going to wear these heavy shoes. One sinks down so much in the […]

May 19, 1942

May 19, 1942Tuesday night. Ft. Ord, California Dear Folksies,      The last few days have been rather uneventful. We have done a lot of routine things and had considerable exercise, yet the time has passed rapidly.        Saturday morning we took a hike – in formation – just the officers – to the area where […]

May 15, 1942

May 15, 1942 Fort Ord, California Dear Folksies,        As you no doubt gathered from my request for some of my communicable disease notes, we are at last doing something at least vaguely connected with the practice of medicine. We have to teach the enlisted men, by giving a series of lectures. Some of the […]

May 6, 1942

May 6, 1942 Fort Ord, California Dear Folksies,      We arrived here at Ft. Ord on Monday at 10A.M. The troop train had been way ahead of time and consequently we were kept on a siding at Castroville (about eight miles from Ord) for almost five hours. Even at that, they unloaded us a half […]

May 3, 1942

May 3, 1942 Ft. Lewis, Washington Dear Folksies,      Thursday we graduated from Officers’ Training School. We received fancy diplomas direct from Commanding General White. He handed the diplomas to each one separately, after making a short speech which he read! The whole thing was very nice but we all felt that a General should […]